Source code for exdir.core.attribute

from enum import Enum
import os
import numpy as np
import exdir
    import ruamel_yaml as yaml
except ImportError:
    import ruamel.yaml as yaml

from .mode import assert_file_open, OpenMode, assert_file_writable

def _quote_strings(value):
    if isinstance(value, str):
        return yaml.scalarstring.DoubleQuotedScalarString(value)
            new_result = {}
            for key, val in value.items():
                new_result[key] = _quote_strings(val)
            return new_result
        except AttributeError:
    return value

[docs]class Attribute(object): """ The attribute object is a dictionary-like object that is used to access the attributes stored in the :code:`attributes.yaml` file for a given Exdir Object. The Attribute object should not be created, but retrieved by accessing the :code:`.attrs` property of any Exdir Object, such as a Dataset, Group or File. """ # TODO remove METADATA mode and read/write metadata directly as YAML instead class _Mode(Enum): ATTRIBUTES = 1 METADATA = 2 def __init__(self, parent, mode, file, path=None): self.parent = parent self.mode = mode self.file = file self.path = path or [] def __getitem__(self, name=None): attrs = self._open_or_create() if self.mode == self._Mode.ATTRIBUTES: meta = self.parent.meta.to_dict() for plugin in self.file.plugin_manager.attribute_plugins.read_order: attribute_data = exdir.plugin_interface.AttributeData( attrs=attrs, meta=meta ) attribute_data = plugin.prepare_read(attribute_data) attrs = attribute_data.attrs meta.update(attribute_data.meta) for i in self.path: attrs = attrs[i] if name is not None: attrs = attrs[name] if isinstance(attrs, dict): return Attribute( self.parent, self.mode, self.file, self.path + [name] ) else: return attrs def __setitem__(self, name, value): attrs = self._open_or_create() key = name sub_attrs = attrs for i in self.path: sub_attrs = sub_attrs[i] sub_attrs[key] = value self._set_data(attrs) def __contains__(self, name): if self.file.io_mode == OpenMode.FILE_CLOSED: return False attrs = self._open_or_create() for i in self.path: attrs = attrs[i] return name in attrs
[docs] def keys(self): """ Returns ------- a new view of the Attribute's keys. """ attrs = self._open_or_create() for i in self.path: attrs = attrs[i] return attrs.keys()
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Convert the Attribute into a standard Python dictionary. """ attrs = self._open_or_create() for i in self.path: # TODO check if this is necesary attrs = attrs[i] if self.mode == self._Mode.ATTRIBUTES: meta = self.parent.meta.to_dict() attribute_data = exdir.plugin_interface.AttributeData( attrs=attrs, meta=meta ) for plugin in self.file.plugin_manager.attribute_plugins.read_order: attribute_data = plugin.prepare_read(attribute_data) attrs = attribute_data.attrs return attrs
[docs] def items(self): """ Returns ------- a new view of the Attribute's items. """ attrs = self._open_or_create() for i in self.path: attrs = attrs[i] return attrs.items()
[docs] def values(self): """ Returns ------- a new view of the Attribute's values. """ attrs = self._open_or_create() for i in self.path: attrs = attrs[i] return attrs.values()
def _set_data(self, attrs): assert_file_writable(self.file) plugins = self.file.plugin_manager.attribute_plugins.write_order if self.mode == self._Mode.ATTRIBUTES and len(plugins) > 0: meta = self.parent.meta.to_dict() for plugin in plugins: attribute_data = exdir.plugin_interface.AttributeData( attrs=attrs, meta=meta ) attribute_data = plugin.prepare_write(attribute_data) meta = attribute_data.meta attrs = attribute_data.attrs attribute_data_quoted = _quote_strings(attribute_data.attrs) self.parent.meta._set_data(meta) else: attribute_data_quoted = attrs with"w", encoding="utf-8") as attribute_file: yaml.dump( attribute_data_quoted, attribute_file, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True, Dumper=yaml.RoundTripDumper ) # TODO only needs filename, make into free function def _open_or_create(self): assert_file_open(self.file) attrs = {} if self.filename.exists(): # NOTE str for Python 3.5 support with"r", encoding="utf-8") as meta_file: attrs = yaml.safe_load(meta_file) return attrs def __iter__(self): for key in self.keys(): yield key @property def filename(self): """ Returns ------- The filename of the :code:`attributes.yaml` file. """ assert_file_open(self.file) if self.mode == self._Mode.METADATA: return self.parent.meta_filename else: return self.parent.attributes_filename def __len__(self): return len(self.keys())
[docs] def update(self, value): """ Update the Attribute with the key/value pairs from :code:`value`, overwriting existing keys. This function accepts either another Attribute object, a dictionary object or an iterable of key/value pairs """ for key in value: self[key] = value[key]
def __str__(self): if self.file.io_mode == OpenMode.FILE_CLOSED: return "<Attributes of closed Exdir object>" string = "" for key in self: string += "{}: {},".format(key, self[key]) return "Attribute({}, {{{}}})".format(, string) def _repr_html_(self): if self.file.io_mode == OpenMode.FILE_CLOSED: return False return exdir.utils.display.html_attrs(self) def __repr__(self): if self.file.io_mode == OpenMode.FILE_CLOSED: return "<Attributes of closed Exdir object>" return "Attributes of Exdir object '{}' at '{}'".format(, id(self))