File Objects

class exdir.core.File(directory, mode=None, allow_remove=False, name_validation=None, plugins=None)[source]


Exdir file object. A File is a special type of Group. See Group for documentation of inherited functions.

To create a File, call the File constructor with the name of the File you wish to create:

>>> import exdir
>>> import numpy as np
>>> f = exdir.File("mytestfile.exdir")

The File object f now points to the root folder in the exdir file structure. You can add groups and datasets to it as follows:

>>> my_group = f.require_group("my_group")
>>> a = np.arange(100)
>>> dset = f.require_dataset("my_data", data=a)

The data is immediately written to disk.

  • directory – Name of the directory to be opened or created as an Exdir File.

  • mode (str, optional) – A file mode string that defines the read/write behavior. See open() for information about the different modes.

  • allow_remove (bool) – Set to True if you want mode ‘w’ to remove existing trees if they exist. This False by default to avoid removing entire directory trees by mistake.

  • name_validation (str, function, optional) – Set the validation mode for names. Can be a function that takes a name and returns True if the name is valid or one of the following built-in validation modes:

    • ‘strict’: only allow numbers, lowercase letters, underscore (_) and dash (-)

    • ‘simple’: allow numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, underscore (_) and dash (-), check if any file exists with same name in any case.

    • ‘thorough’: verify if name is safe on all platforms, check if any file exists with same name in any case.

    • ‘none’: allows any filename

    The default is ‘thorough’.

  • plugins (list, optional) – A list of instantiated plugins or modules with a plugins() function that returns a list of plugins.


Closes the File object. Sets the OpenMode to FILE_CLOSED which denies access to any attribute or child


Create a group with the given name or absolute path.

See Group for more details.


Creating groups with absolute paths is only allowed on File objects and not on Group objects in general.


Open an existing subgroup or create one if it does not exist.

See Group for more details.


Creating groups with absolute paths is only allowed on File objects and not on Group objects in general.