Source code for exdir.core.dataset

import numbers
import numpy as np
import exdir

from . import exdir_object as exob
from .mode import assert_file_open, OpenMode, assert_file_writable

def _prepare_write(data, plugins, attrs, meta):
    for plugin in plugins:
        dataset_data = exdir.plugin_interface.DatasetData(
        dataset_data = plugin.prepare_write(dataset_data)

        data =
        attrs = dataset_data.attrs
        meta = dataset_data.meta

    if isinstance(data, (numbers.Number, tuple, str)):
        data = np.asarray(data, order="C")

    return data, attrs, meta

def _dataset_filename(dataset_directory):
    return dataset_directory / "data.npy"

[docs]class Dataset(exob.Object): """ Dataset class Warnings -------- This class modifies the view and it is possible to overwrite an existing dataset, which is different from the behavior in h5py. """ def __init__(self, root_directory, parent_path, object_name, file): super(Dataset, self).__init__( root_directory=root_directory, parent_path=parent_path, object_name=object_name, file=file ) self._data_memmap = None self.plugin_manager = file.plugin_manager self.data_filename = str(_dataset_filename( def __getitem__(self, args): assert_file_open(self.file) if len(self._data.shape) == 0: values = self._data else: values = self._data[args] enabled_plugins = [ for plugin_module in self.plugin_manager.plugins] data = values if "plugins" in self.meta: for plugin_name in self.meta["plugins"]: if ("required" in self.meta["plugins"][plugin_name] and self.meta["plugins"][plugin_name]["required"] == True and plugin_name not in enabled_plugins): raise Exception(( "Plugin '{}' was used to write '{}', " "but is not enabled." ).format(plugin_name, plugins = self.plugin_manager.dataset_plugins.read_order if len(plugins) > 0: meta = self.meta.to_dict() atts = self.attrs.to_dict() dataset_data = exdir.plugin_interface.DatasetData(data=values, attrs=self.attrs.to_dict(), meta=meta) for plugin in plugins: dataset_data = plugin.prepare_read(dataset_data) data = return data def __setitem__(self, args, value): assert_file_writable(self.file) value, attrs, meta = _prepare_write( data=value, plugins=self.plugin_manager.dataset_plugins.write_order, attrs=self.attrs.to_dict(), meta=self.meta.to_dict() ) self._data[args] = value self.attrs = attrs self.meta._set_data(meta) def _reload_data(self): assert_file_open(self.file) for plugin in self.plugin_manager.dataset_plugins.write_order: plugin.before_load(self.data_filename) if self.file.io_mode == OpenMode.READ_ONLY: mmap_mode = "r" else: mmap_mode = "r+" try: self._data_memmap = np.load(self.data_filename, mmap_mode=mmap_mode, allow_pickle=False) self.file._open_datasets[] = self except ValueError as e: # Could be that it is a Git LFS file. Let's see if that is the case and warn if so. with open(self.data_filename, "r") as f: test_string = "version" contents = if contents == test_string: raise IOError("The file '{}' is a Git LFS placeholder. " "Open the the Exdir File with the Git LFS plugin or run " "`git lfs fetch` first. ".format(self.data_filename)) else: raise e def _reset_data(self, value, attrs, meta): assert_file_open(self.file) self._data_memmap = np.lib.format.open_memmap( self.data_filename, mode="w+", dtype=value.dtype, shape=value.shape ) if len(value.shape) == 0: # scalars need to be set with itemset self._data_memmap.itemset(value) else: # replace the contents with the value self._data_memmap[:] = value # update attributes and plugin metadata if attrs: self.attrs = attrs if meta: self.meta._set_data(meta) return
[docs] def set_data(self, data): """ Warning ------- Deprecated convenience function. Use :code:` = data` instead. """ raise DeprecationWarning( "set_data is deprecated. Use ` = data` instead." ) self.value = data
@property def data(self): """ Property that gives access the entire dataset. Equivalent to calling :code:`dataset[:]`. Returns ------- numpy.memmap The entire dataset. """ assert_file_open(self.file) return self[:] @data.setter def data(self, value): assert_file_open(self.file) if self._data.shape != value.shape or self._data.dtype != value.dtype: value, attrs, meta = _prepare_write( data=value, plugins=self.plugin_manager.dataset_plugins.write_order, attrs=self.attrs.to_dict(), meta=self.meta.to_dict() ) self._reset_data(value, attrs, meta) return self[:] = value @property def shape(self): """ The shape of the dataset. Equivalent to calling :code:`dataset[:].shape`. Returns ------- tuple The shape of the dataset. """ return self[:].shape @property def size(self): """ The size of the dataset. Equivalent to calling :code:`dataset[:].size`. Returns ------- np.int64 The size of the dataset. """ return self[:].size @property def dtype(self): """ The NumPy data type of the dataset. Equivalent to calling :code:`dataset[:].dtype`. Returns ------- numpy.dtype The NumPy data type of the dataset. """ return self[:].dtype @property def value(self): """ Convenience alias for the :code:`data` property. Warning ------- This property is only provided as a convenience to make the API interoperable with h5py. We recommend to use :code:`data` instead of :code:`value`. """ return @value.setter def value(self, value): = value def __len__(self): """ The size of the first axis. TypeError if scalar.""" assert_file_open(self.file) if len(self.shape) == 0: raise TypeError("Attempt to take len() of scalar dataset") return self.shape[0] def __iter__(self): """Iterate over the first axis. TypeError if scalar. WARNING: Modifications to the yielded data are *NOT* written to file. """ assert_file_open(self.file) if len(self.shape) == 0: raise TypeError("Can't iterate over a scalar dataset") for i in range(self.shape[0]): yield self[i] def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): if self.file.io_mode == OpenMode.FILE_CLOSED: return "<Closed Exdir Dataset>" return "<Exdir Dataset {} shape {} dtype {}>".format(, self.shape, self.dtype) @property def _data(self): assert_file_open(self.file) if self._data_memmap is None: self._reload_data() return self._data_memmap